Installing flooring that comes in pieces, planks, tiles or other parts takes skill and precision. There is also a bit of an artistic touch that is needed to ensure the patterns and textures all blend well together and look natural and beautiful.
When it comes to installing ceramic tile, most installers will use several different boxes to complete a job. It’s very important for them to mix the boxes during installation to achieve the ideal look. If the installer does not mix the boxes by alternating the tiles they use from two or three different boxes, they run the risk of installing sections of mismatched colors.
Even though tile can come from the same dye lot, there may be some slight variations at the manufacturing process. If the boxes are not mixed, the installer could put down one entire box on one side and then another entire box next to that. The mismatches would be very obvious. By mixing the tiles, any mismatches will not be apparent because the variations are spread all over the floor.
To create the most beautiful and cohesive ceramic tile floors, installers must follow the standard practice of mixing the ceramic tile boxes as they install it.
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