Flooring defects are the source of certain issues at the workplace for Montpelier business owners. However, recognizing and identifying flooring defects isn’t always easy. Often, it takes a Montpelier flooring defects expert witness to conduct tests and make statements about the condition of the floor.
More About Flooring Defects
Flooring defects have the potential to cause trouble for foot traffic at work. It all starts when flooring material is created at the manufacturer. While most of the time there are no quality issues or problems, there are times when defects are made within the material. If the flooring defects aren’t caught, the material is shipped to the customer and installed. Then, it may be weeks, or months before the abnormalities are apparent.
Not only can defective flooring look bad and affect the appearance of the workplace, it can actually become unsafe for foot traffic to use. Depending on the material and the defect, there can be shrinking, rippling, warping, cracking, gapping, tearing, shifting and more. If someone suffered an injury from a slip and fall accident due to the flooring, they could launch a liability lawsuit against the business owner. All in all, it makes sense to get a Montpelier flooring defects expert witness to check the place out.
How a Montpelier Flooring Defects Expert Witness Can Help
When business owners contact a Montpelier flooring defects expert witness, they will get a trusted professional that knows what to do. The expert witness will arrive at the site with certain equipment used for testing the surfaces. After a thorough investigation of the area in question, the expert will present the evidence about whether flooring defects are present. Then the business owners, manufacturers, insurance companies and more can each use that evidence to work out responsibility for the flooring.
One of the top Montpelier flooring defects expert witnesses around is Rob McNealy of Flooristics. He is an experienced flooring inspector, walkway auditor and flooring contractor with lots of insight into all different types of flooring. He has worked as a slip and fall expert witness and has traveled across the country as a flooring defects expert witness. There’s no better person to contact than Rob McNealy when anyone needs a Montpelier flooring defects expert witness.
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