An Arizona flooring defects expert witness is an asset to your side, no matter what the situation. From the initial information gathering process to presenting an expert opinion in court, the Arizona flooring defects expert witness is a critical part of finding out what’s happened to the condition of the walkway.
Rob McNealy of Flooristics is the one Arizona flooring defects expert witness that lots of business owners call when they need to get a professional’s opinion on flooring. He can help business owners with all kinds of issues, whether flooring defects caused a slip and fall accidents, insurance issue or something else. As a recognized authority in flooring, Rob McNealy of Flooristics is who you want to work with.
Call an Arizona Flooring Defects Expert Witness
When different types of flooring materials are manufactured, there’s a chance that something went wrong in the manufacturing process. Some of the most common flooring material includes, tile, stone, laminate, resilient, carpet, and hardwood. A product with flooring defects means that the flooring is no longer living up to the standards set by the company or the industry. When flooring is defective, it can lead to a lot of problems and a lot of expenses for everyone, especially the business owner who had the flooring installed.
Defects might result in cracking, warping, shifting, uneven walking surfaces, uneven wear and tear and much more. In extreme cases, flooring defects can lead to slip and fall accidents at the workplace. At the very least, defective flooring must be replaced with flooring that will meet the business owner’s requirements. The Arizona flooring defects expert witness can present evidence based on information, observation and more to help resolve any issues on defective flooring.
Finding an Arizona Flooring Defaults Expert Witness
Rob McNealy of Flooristics is the best choice for an expert witness for both slip and fall accidents and flooring defects. As an Arizona flooring defects expert witness, Rob McNealy brings years of experience as a flooring inspector, contractor and walkway auditor. Business owners in Arizona won’t go wrong when Rob McNealy is working to resolve the problems.
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