When the flooring at a place of business in Wyoming starts to warp, buckle, shrink, crack, ripple, slide and tear, it can mean there are flooring defects present in the material. Of course, poor maintenance, improper care and neglect can also produce the same results in flooring. When people need a professional opinion on the cause of the flooring problems, they can turn to a Wyoming flooring defects expert witness.
Why Is AÂ Wyoming Flooring Defects Expert Witness Needed?
A Wyoming flooring defects expert witness is the right person to call to assess the condition of suspicious flooring at work. Business owners, legal teams, insurance companies and even manufacturers are able to call on a Wyoming flooring defects expert witness and get their experienced evaluation of the material in question.
While manufacturers make every effort to eliminate flooring defects in their material, whether its carpet, tile, stone, hardwood, laminate or something else, sometimes there are situations where something is not caught and the defective material is shipped out to a customer. Business owners that have defective flooring installed are definitely going to see the quality diminish, affecting not only the appearance but presenting a higher risk of slip and fall accidents.
What Does a Wyoming Flooring Defects Expert Witness Do?
Because flooring defects can manifest after weeks, months or years after installation, there are definitely going to be issues that might otherwise have affected flooring. Some business owners neglect the flooring care and maintenance, making the flooring fail industry standards for quality and longevity. A Wyoming flooring defects expert witness is able to determine whether the problematic flooring is due to a manufacturing defect or due to neglect.
Using years of experience, a Wyoming flooring defects expert witness will observe and test the flooring in question to determine the cause of the problem. The expert witness is unbiased, and therefore can be trusted to deliver the most accurate and factual account of the cause of the problem.
Rob McNealy of Flooristics is one of the top Wyoming flooring defects expert witnesses around and he has more than 10 years of experience as a walkway auditor, flooring contractor and flooring inspector. Rob McNealy has traveled extensively to bring his knowledge about flooring to those that need the expert opinion. Anyone who needs a Wyoming flooring defects expert witness should contact Rob McNealy.
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