While hardwood floors and engineered wood floors are some of the most beautiful and durable options for floor coverings on the market, there are still problems that customers encounter.
The surprising news is that a large number claims and problems submitted by customers are often the result of problematic installation procedures and practices. Manufacturers who address claims from unhappy customers are not able to take care of the problems when the causes are installation-related.
One of the most common claims reported by manufacturers from customers with wood floors is that of gapping. Gapping takes place when the wood planks separate between the edges. Because wood contracts or expands based on the amount of moisture in the air, gaps can occur as humidity levels change.
When wood flooring is properly installed, there will be small gaps created in drier months, and no gaps at all in more humid months. It’s not uncommon to have seasonal changes in a wood floor, but with a good installation this will be minimal.
Problems occur when the wood material is not properly acclimated to the climate of the room and installed. Acclimation means that the material is stored in the room at the conditions it will be set at for several days prior to installation. A good installation should only see minimal gapping during dry weather. Unfortunately, gaps as wide as a quarter or bigger can take place when acclimation was not done properly.
To have happier customers and create beautiful flooring that lasts a lifetime, flooring installers should take the time to acclimate the flooring material before installation.
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