Rob McNealy of Flooristics is the person you want when the testimony of a Mississippi flooring defects expert witness for a liability lawsuit or insurance claim in the state. Rob McNealy definitely has the expertise and knowledge to really get to the bottom of the issue and uncover the facts in the flooring conditions. When you are wondering who the person to call is, consider Rob McNealy.
Value of a Mississippi Flooring Defects Expert Witness
Legal teams who are considering hiring a Mississippi flooring defects expert witness should be particular about the qualifications of who they are interested in. The expert witness should have many years of experience in the flooring industry. It’s also important that they know about walkway safety, slip and fall accidents, and flooring installation. A Mississippi flooring defects expert witness must be able to recognize defects in the flooring material, and gather evidence to present to the interested parties. Above all, the right expert witness must be professional, trustworthy and ready to participate in any legal proceedings.
Testimony of Flooring Defects
During the manufacturing process, flooring material can be made with defects. This means that production errors, substandard material or similar problems are not noticed and allowed to leave the manufacturing facility and be shipped to customers. When the defective flooring is installed, it will not be ab le to meet industry standards for safety, wear and tear and other important conditions. Identifying flooring defects versus neglect or poor care can only be done by an expert.
A Mississippi flooring defects expert witness has the background to really identify what problematic flooring from defects looks like. They can use special equipment and their knowledge to identify flooring defects. Thanks to their expertise, they are the authority on flooring defects. Many legal teams use Mississippi flooring defects expert witnesses to inform others, such as insurance companies or a courtroom.
Best Background for Expert Witnesses
Business owners in the state really need a Mississippi flooring defects expert witness with the best credentials and more than a decade of experience in the industry. That’s why someone like Rob McNealy is a top choice for many. He has experience in slip and fall court cases, slip testing, floor project consulting, concrete moisture testing, OSHA walking and working surfaces and much more. Whether its carpet, hardwood, tile, stone, stone, resilient or something else, Rob McNealy is the Mississippi flooring defects expert witness that legal teams want on the job.
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