A slip and fall accident can be devastating for the victims who suffer from injuries. It can also wreak havoc for North Dakota business owners who find themselves subject to a liability lawsuit due to negligence. Of course, legal teams in North Dakota for both sides of the case want to get the facts of the accident so that judges and juries can make their decision.
How Do North Dakota Slip and Fall Expert Witnesses Help?
Business owners and victims are often on opposite sides of the slip and fall accident case, with the victim claiming neglect by the business owner, and the owner defending their floor safety practices. A North Dakota slip and fall expert witness looks at the accident site , checks out all the evidence, and puts forth an expert opinion. Legal teams for both sides rely on the experience and professionalism of a North Dakota slip and fall expert witness.
The North Dakota slip and fall expert witness conducts a thorough investigation of the accident site, using experience and even equipment to evaluate the flooring condition. They will be able to tell whether negligence played a part, or flooring defects from the manufacturer or something else entirely. When they deliver the information in a professional manner to the courts, their testimony is something to rely on.
Anyone involved in a liability lawsuit—from victim to business owner to legal teams—should do their best to find a North Dakota slip and fall expert witness that is dependable and professional. The expert witness should have a background in flooring and experience in giving testimony in court. Legal teams should never settle for an inexperienced or biased slip and fall expert witness.
Finding a North Dakota Slip and Fall Expert Witness
When it comes to finding a North Dakota slip and fall expert witness, many turn to Rob McNealy of Flooristics. He has a long and varied background as a flooring contractor, walkway auditor and flooring inspector. For more than 10 years, he’s worked in the industry and he’s traveled across the country as an expert witness as well. You won’t find a more qualified North Dakota slip and fall expert witness, and he is ready to help with any case. Rob McNealy is definitely the best choice for a North Dakota slip and fall expert witness
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