When legal teams in the city of Jackson need a flooring expert to testify in court, they turn to Jackson slip and fall expert witnesses. Hired by legal teams for their immense amount of experience in the flooring industry, these expert witnesses can really brig out the facts in any legal case a workplace slip and fall accident. A Jackson slip and fall expert witness has the knowledge and equipment to really check to thoroughly evaluate the location of the accident.
Hiring an Excellent Jackson Slip and Fall Expert Witness
A Jackson slip and fall expert witness has the skills and experience legal teams really need to bring out the facts. Before an expert witness is hired, legal teams should make sure these 5 criteria are met:
- Expert witnesses need to have years of flooring experience, such as flooring contractors, walkway auditors and flooring inspectors.
- They need access to specialized equipment used to measure and test the flooring surfaces.
- They need to be unbiased and just present the facts.
- Expert witnesses need to have experience participating in court a key part of the litigation process.
- They must be able to communicate complicated information in a clear and simple manner so that everyone in court understands.
It’s easy to see that getting just any Jackson slip and fall expert witness won’t do for those legal teams who want to do the best for their clients. A Jackson slip and fall expert witness is sure to take care of things.
Which Expert Witness is Best?
Rob McNealy of Flooristics is one of the best expert witnesses around. He has more than a decade of experience in the flooring industry. He’s worked as a successful flooring contractor, as well as a walkway auditor and flooring inspector. His experience in the courtroom is extensive, and he is very good at providing testimony about what he finds at the workplace. His professional and unbiased approach means that he can convey important facts to interested parties.
When legal teams in the state of Mississippi need an expert witness to help out their case, they should consider contacting Rob McNealy.
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