When flooring material is defective, it can create a number of problems, from looking poorly to creating a hazard to foot traffic. If the flooring material is defective at the workplace, it’s a top priority for business owners to get it taken care of. If defective, business owners must fix it or replace it. In a worst case scenario, someone could suffer a slip and fall accident as a result. When business owners need to get the facts about flooring defects, it’s a good idea to find a California flooring defects expert witness.
A California flooring defects expert witness is a reliable source for flooring default facts and has the presentation skills to bring that information to those who need to know.
More on Flooring Defects
Defects in the flooring can happen at the manufacturing process and can result in warping, cracking, shifting, uneven wear and tear and more. Expert witnesses can be used to assess the condition of the flooring, collect evidence, and provide testimony on what the flooring should or should not be like. To accurately piece together all the details of flooring defects is difficult enough to do, but an Arkansas flooring defects expert witness can complete the task and make sure everyone understands the impact.
Why Use a California Flooring Defects Expert Witness?
An expert witness is simply the best way to bring facts and evidence into a courtroom or mediation with flooring defects as the central issue. This recognized authority on flooring provides specifics on areas that the general public cannot know about without training and experience.
California flooring defects expert witnesses are important in the litigation process and their testimony carries great weight in the decisions made by judges and juries. Flooring defects in manufacturing or installation are presented and thoroughly explained and the expert witness doesn’t take any side, just presents the facts. Whether carpet, tile, stone, laminate, hardwood, resilient or something else, flooring and flooring defects are known best by those with years of experience in the industry.
Rob McNealy of Flooristics is a flooring contractor, walkway auditor and flooring inspector, and will always be the right choice for a California flooring defects expert witness. For a professional, honest and experienced voice at court, choose Rob McNealy of Flooristics.
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Looking for an expert who can inspect Shaw carpet installed about two years ago and tedtify in court about discoloration or staining of carpet that is increasing. No pets..
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