Are you a Little Rock business owner who wants to make sure that every employee is safe at the workplace? You’ve probably focused on all the obvious safety conditions, like adequate fire extinguishers and having safety training on equipment, but have you ever thought about the flooring as a hazard? Slip and fall accidents at work cause more injuries at the workplace every year.
How would you feel, as a Little Rock business owner, if one of your employees sustained an injury because of a slip and fall at one of your facilities or stores? Of course, you would feel awful that they got injured, and perhaps concerned at how their absence might affect your business, like a drop in productivity. What if the injured party was a customer? That could really be difficult to rescue your company’s reputation from a serious slip and fall accident.
Sometimes, employees and customers who have a slip and fall accident at the workplace feel that the business owner was negligence in cleaning, repairing or otherwise properly maintaining the floor they can launch a liability lawsuit. To ensure that the facts about flooring are heard by the court, you can get a Little Rock slip and fall expert witness.
Rob McNealy of Flooristics is a wonderful slip and fall expert witness. He has the background to give attorneys, judges and juries an honest evaluation of the conditions that may or may not have contributed to a slip and fall accident. When looking for a Little Rock slip and fall expert witness, Rob McNealy is a dependable and unbiased choice.
In a liability lawsuit, a judge or jury can find the owner responsible if it can be shown that the business owner knew about a hazardous flooring condition but did nothing about it. Common things that business owners may ignore about flooring include defective flooring, sloppy installation, inadequate cleaning steps and improper cleaning supplies, failure to fix problems and much more. Some flooring conditions can affect foot traffic but might not be the fault of the owner, such as loose footwear, weather-related moisture, and reckless behavior like running or goofing around by the victim. To determine whether a slip and fall injury occurred because of negligence or just simple accidents with no negligence involved, get a Little Rock slip and fall expert witness.
A Little Rock slip and fall expert witness like Rob McNealy means getting an expert to speak for you and your side of the case. He will present unbiased information after inspecting the flooring, and is more than willing to share his observations with others. There are quite a few Little Rock slip and fall expert witnesses that you can contact, but not everyone has the experience and skills that Rob McNealy of Flooristics does.
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