Did you know the single biggest cause of workplace injuries in Tennessee come from slip and fall accidents? Such injuries can really affect the victim’s quality of life. Also, if the Tennessee workplace is unsafe, it can cause other employees and even customers to think negatively of the place, ruining the company’s reputation. When legal teams are looking for experts in a liability lawsuit involving a slip and fall, it’s a good idea to hire a Tennessee slip and fall expert witness.
Tennessee Slip and Fall Accidents
In Tennessee, as in the rest of the nation, business owners are responsible for making the workplace safe for all, including floor safety. Unfortunately, it’s all too common for business owners to overlook flooring, and that’s often when slip and fall accidents happen. These kinds of injuries can mean lost wages, lots of medical bills, months of rehabilitation and unmeasurable pain and suffering. Of course no business owner wants to see an employee or customer go through such a life-altering injury.
When the victim feels that the business owner perhaps knew about a flooring hazard and didn’t take steps to fix it, or had a plan in place that was not adequate in lowering the risks of a slip and fall, they can start a liability lawsuit.
Liability Lawsuits and a Tennessee Slip and Fall Expert Witness
There can be all kinds of contributing factors to a slip and fall accident at work, including bad floor safety plans, ignoring spilled liquids, too much dust or debris, obstacles in the way, broken or defective flooring pieces, and more. Every one of these ends up being the Tennessee business owner’s responsibility, whether or not they were even aware of the issues. When the victim suffers an injury, they will likely get a legal team to get compensation for their pain and suffering.
Both the victim and the business owner will have legal teams that are trying to sort out what happened exactly and whether negligence played a part. That’s where a Tennessee slip and fall expert witness comes in. The expert witness will check out the area and even do some tests using special equipment. After gathering evidence, the expert witness will definitely be able to provide a professional evaluation of whether negligence was part of the problem.
Locating the Best Tennessee Slip and Fall Expert Witness
When it comes to finding an experienced expert witness, legal teams in Tennessee should look to Rob McNealy of Flooristics. With 10 years of experience as a flooring inspector, walkway auditor and flooring contractor, Rob McNealy is just what legal teams need. Rob McNealy is professional, knowledgeable and able to deliver complex information in a manner that everyone can understand. Any legal team that needs a Tennessee slip and fall expert witness should start talking to Rob McNealy.
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