Wouldn’t business owners like to know if the flooring at their workplace contained defects that were jeopardizing the health and safety of employees and customers? Most business owners are not flooring experts, and they simply don’t have the experience to figure out why the flooring looks bad or is not holding up. An Ohio flooring defects expert witness can solve the mystery once and for all.
More About Flooring Defects
Flooring defects are introduced at the manufacturing process and while many are caught before the material is shipped out, sometimes defective material is not noticed. The flooring is then installed, defects and all. When the flooring defects start to appear, after a few weeks or months, or even after a few years, then it’s possible for it to start to look bad. Shrinking, splitting, cracking, tearing, separating and more are all possible with flooring defects that don’t let the material perform up to industry standards.
What’s worse, besides looking bad, is that flooring defects can cause slip and fall accidents for employees or customers. A slip and fall accident may result in significant workplace injuries. When Ohio business owners want to get to the bottom of a flooring failure, they hire a Columbus flooring defects expert witness.
Finding an Ohio Flooring Defects Expert Witness
An Ohio business owner is ultimately responsible for maintaining a safe work environment and making sure that every aspect of the building meets industry standards, and that includes flooring and walkway safety. Flooring defects may not be so easy to recognize, so it may take the trained eye of an expert. But how do Ohio business owners find such an expert?
There are several ways to locate an Ohio flooring defects expert witness. The best way is to ask other business owners for references. If the business owner attends industry conventions and networks thoroughly, there should be no problem getting recommendations and references for an Ohio flooring defects expert witness. Business owners can also check out online searches for an expert witness with experience in flooring defects. No matter what the witness should have lots of experience in flooring of all types.
Rob McNealy of Flooristics can be the Ohio flooring defects expert witness that business owners and legal teams rely on to get the facts straight. When it comes to flooring defects, Rob McNealy uses his years of experience as a flooring inspector, walkway auditor and flooring contractor to figure out what’s going on at the workplace.
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