The best flooring expert around is Rob McNealy of Flooristics. He is the one to call when legal teams in the Jackson area need a flooring defects expert witness. Why is this? Because Rob McNealy has more than a decade of flooring experience—he is a flooring contractor, flooring inspector and walkway auditor. Anyone who seeks a reliable and trustworthy voice to provide facts about flooring should contact Rob McNealy.
Slip and Fall Accidents
Rob McNealy is the type of expert needed in a liability lawsuit stemming from a slip and fall accident. He has worked on many flooring slip and fall or flooring defects cases and he has the expertise to investigate and raw accurate conclusions.
During a flooring investigation, legal teams, insurance companies and business owner are trying to show whether or not there were manufacturing issues involved in the flooring in the form of defects. When the defects manifest, flooring can become a high risk area for slip and fall accidents. When someone suffers a slip and fall accident, they can have some pretty debilitating injuries to various parts of the body, like head, back, shoulders, arm, wrist, hip, or knee. In many cases, the medical bills and the lost wages are a huge financial burden on the victim.
If a business owner believes that defects in the flooring have created a hazard in some way, they could pursue reimbursement, repairs or replacements. By proving that flooring defects indeed exist, the business owner may get some compensation. That’s where a Jackson flooring defects expert witness comes into the picture—to lend a knowledgeable testimony about the condition of the flooring and whether or not defects are present.
Finding the Facts Within the Flooring
No business owner wants to deal with flooring defects—there are many other challenges they would rather focus on. However, they certainly don’t want employees or customers to be at risk of a slip and fall accident due to flooring defects. They also want the workplace to look professional and not like there needs to be repairs all the time. It’s important for business owners to call in an expert when they want to get serious about discovering flooring defects. A Jackson flooring defects expert witness will be able to determine the facts for whoever needs to know them.
Rob McNealy of Flooristics is a fine Jackson flooring defects expert witness for the entire state of Mississippi. In fact, with Rob McNealy’s professional background, there are few people more qualified to testify about what they’ve discovered about the flooring conditions at the workplace. When business owners or legal teams need a professional, they should consider Rob McNealy as a top Jackson flooring defects expert witness.
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