Dear Rob:
I am going to install a vent free fireplace in a glass enclosed porch. Presently, I have an unfinished floor that I would like to finish in slate. Do I need to install the slate floor first, prior to installing the fireplace, or can I have the fireplace installed first, then the floor? I plan to build a cultured stone mantel around the fireplace as well.
Dear Bill:
Congrats on the the new fireplace; your project sounds great!
When installing any new product, I recommend that you first read the manufacturer’s installation guidelines and specifications for your application before you begin your project. That will help ensure that your warranty isn’t voided and the project is a success.
That being said, you probably could go either way with your project, but my personal preference is to install flooring over the entire contiguous area, under things like cabinets, built-in desks, wood stoves and in this case, your fireplace. I recommend this because it gives you the option to expose those tiles again in the future if you make changes or remodel the footprint. Installing tile under kitchen cabinets also eliminates the risks of appliances not fitting correctly. When flooring only butts up to a built-in, if you remodel later, you will also need to repair or replace the flooring. If you put the flooring underneath the built-in, you have the option to retain the flooring, which can save you a great deal of money.
Good luck,
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