Many business owners don’t know much about the ins and outs of flooring defects until they have to deal with them at their place of business. When you are faced with a series of problems because of defects in the flooring materials that were installed at work, you have a lot of different steps to consider. A Denver flooring defects expert witness is a good person to have in court representing the facts, and not being swayed by either side.
Here are 5 things to know about flooring defects at your Denver area workplace:
- Sometimes, flooring material is defective, which can lead to a number of problems, from wearing out too early and looking terrible to causing a slip and fall hazard for employees and customers.
- Defects in your workplace flooring can happen regardless of the flooring material. Tile, hardwood, laminate, carpet, resilient and more are all subject to problems during manufacturing as well as during installation.
- Flooring defects that you may or may not recognize in the flooring can include warping, cracking, shifting, rippling, sticky or smooth patches, uneven wear and tear and more. Only a true expert can really assess the condition of the flooring and collect evidence to support the claim of defective.
- A Denver flooring defects expert witness can look at the evidence with a trained eye and specialized equipment, gather the facts, then provide testimony in court on the flooring and any defects.
- Rob McNealy of Flooristics has a lot of experience as a flooring contractor, walkway auditor and flooring inspector. That makes him the perfect choice for a Denver flooring defects expert witness. Whether for the plaintiff or the defendant, Rob is a wonderful expert witness who knows how to take complex information and present it plainly and without bias.
In court, a Denver flooring defects expert witness is a recognized authority on the condition and installation of flooring of all types. During a litigation process, the judge and jury hear all kinds of testimony then make a decision based on what they know. Having an expert witness is important because they bring a certain level of credulity and expertise that common witnesses don’t have.
Rob McNealy of Flooristics is a fine Denver flooring defects expert witness with many years of experience as a flooring contractor, walkway auditor, flooring inspector and expert witness. With Rob McNealy, both business owners and victims will get unbiased, honest and trustworthy opinions about defective flooring.
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