Unlike the old waxed floors, which needed a lot of coats of wax and buffing on a regular basis, cleaning a polyurethane floor is very easy. The simple answer is to keep the floor free from dust. The best way to do this is by preventing soil from entering the building or residence in the the first place by using walk off mats at all entrances and by not wearing shoes on the floor, which track soil in.
Once you have eliminated the sources of soil, you should a microfiber mop as often as necessary (often daily), and for normal cleaning, only use manufacturer recommended cleaning agents that you can get from any big box store.
- Prevent soil from entering by using walk off mats and not wearing shoes.
- Dust hardwood floors often with a soft, microfiber or terrycloth dustmop daily.
- Vacuum once or twice a week to remove dirt and sand. Use a soft brush attachment to minimize scratching.
- Wood and Water do not mix! Remove wet spills ASAP with soft towels or a wet/dry vacuum, then dry thoroughly.
- Use a very dry damp mop when mopping polyurethane wood floors, since excess water can seep into seams and ruin a wood floor.
- Consider using carpet runners (with non-skid pads) over wood floors in high traffic areas.
- Vacuum area rugs and runners often so dirt doesn’t filter down through the weave and scratch the wood underneath.
- If possible, do not wear heavy shoes or high heels on hardwood floors, as some heels can cause dents.
- Never drag furniture or other objects across a wood floor. Instead, clean the floor thoroughly to remove dust and grit, then use “gliding” furniture pads underneath the piece to aid sliding it across the floor.
- Install floor mats at each entrance so you don’t track in dirt from the bottoms of shoes.
- Be sure to follow manufacturer recommendations to treat flooring scratches and dents. If an area of the finish is damaged by water, it may be difficult to fix it.
- Use furniture pads to place under table and chair legs and on the feet of dressers and armoires. They can be purchased at a local hardware store or home center.
- Some floors may require periodic waxing and buffing. Get recommendations from the manufacturer for the specific procedures for your floor.
The number of times I’ve seen or worse heard people gliding furniture over wood flooring with grit in between is way too many. I tend to put cardboard or some sort of protection down and in most cases just lift things as they only have to travel so far.
Cardboard can work as long as it’s thick enough to support the object you are trying to move, is clean, and does not have any staples in it. Masonite is also great to use when moving appliances.