When it comes to flooring defects, few people have as much knowledge to be a Pennsylvania flooring defects expert witness as Rob McNealy of Flooristics. With more than a decade of experience, plus also working as a walkway auditor and flooring inspector, Rob McNealy is the best person for legal teams and business owners to consult when they need someone who knows about flooring defects.
All About Flooring Defects at the Workplace
The Pennsylvania flooring defects expert witness is extremely important to legal teams and business owners who are trying to determine whether or not the flooring problems they are seeing stem from a manufacturing issue or not. It’s really frustrating when a business owner has spent thousands of dollars on flooring to make the workplace look nice and stay safe for foot traffic, only to discover problems within a few weeks or months of installation.
When flooring defects present themselves, it can mean shifting, shrinking, cracking, splitting, bucking, warping, and more. These flooring defects can cause all kinds of unsightly problems and, more importantly, really jeopardize the health and safety of foot traffic in the building. Often, only a Pennsylvania flooring defects expert witness can really identify the source of the problem with flooring, and differentiate it from typical wear and tear or lack of maintenance and so forth.
Locating the Best Pennsylvania Flooring Defects Expert Witness
Business owners in Pennsylvania need all the help they can get in collecting the evidence needed to work with insurance companies or manufacturers of flooring products. Finding the best Pennsylvania flooring defects expert witness can be tricky, but with the right approach, business owners can work with the finest in the business.
The best way to find a Pennsylvania flooring defects expert witness is to network with other business associates. If someone has an expert they can recommend, it’s a good bet they will be fine to work with. Another great resource is the online internet search, where business owners can get access to flooring defects experts from all over the country, many of whom are willing to travel.
Above all, it’s a good idea to make sure the Pennsylvania flooring defects expert witness has plenty of experience as a contractor with all kinds of materials, and also with floor safety and walkway auditing. The good news is that Rob McNealy meets all these requirements and is really an ideal candidate for any flooring needs, especially as a Pennsylvania flooring defects expert witness.
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