What do New York business owners do when they suspect that the flooring materials at the workplace have defects that are causing it to look bad and become a safety hazard for foot traffic? Call a New York flooring defects expert witness. These experienced flooring experts can assess the condition of any type of flooring and determine whether manufacturing defects are playing a part.
Flooring experts are able to make assessments for any type of flooring material, such as hardwood, stone, carpet, tile, resilient, laminate and more. It’s not always easy to recognize what is a flooring defect and what is the result of negligence or poor care. A New York flooring defects expert witness has the background to make a solid investigation and share the results.
The New York flooring defects expert witness knows that flooring defects are introduced at the time of manufacturing. While problems are mostly caught and addressed before shipping the material out, there are times when this simply doesn’t happen and the defective flooring material gets installed.
The New York flooring defects expert witness can identify flooring that is defective and leads to a substandard safety level for foot traffic. Sometimes the defects take weeks, months or even years to manifest. The expert uses observation, special equipment and years of experience to document the problem.
It’s no secret that a flooring defect issue at the workplace can lead to numerous challenges. It’s in the best interest of insurance companies, business owners, installers, contractors and manufacturers to use the expert services of a New York flooring defects expert witness. Anyone hiring an expert witness with this level of talent will certainly benefit from their involvement in investigating flooring that is not performing to standards.
Business owners and legal teams that need a New York flooring defects expert witness should contact Rob McNealy of Flooristics. He has many years of experience as a flooring contractor, and is an independently certified walkway auditor and flooring inspector. He is familiar with all kinds of flooring, and knows what to look for to determine whether or not there are defects present. He can assemble the facts of the matter into a report and also testify in court or for insurance companies as needed. No matter where business owners and legal teams are in New York, Rob McNealy can help.
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