In a perfect world, flooring material would never have defects but it’s definitely possible for some flooring defects to be introduced during the manufacturing process. The defects may not appear in the flooring for many months or even over several years, making it harder to determine unless done by an expert. A Salt Lake City flooring defects expert witness can help business owners, legal teams and manufacturers figure out whether or not flooring defects are present at the business.
Finding a Salt Lake City Flooring Defects Expert Witness
Rob McNealy of Flooristics is an ideal expert to investigate suspected floor problems at work. Why? Because he has several years of experience as a flooring contractor, walkway auditor and flooring inspector. He’s the best person to call if flooring defects are suspected.
Here are some more areas where Rob McNealy has experience:
- Concrete moisture testing
- Slip testing
- Exterior/interior walkway surfaces, plus sidewalks, ramps, curbs and parking lots
- Carpet, hardwood and resilient claims
- Floor coverings, rugs and matting evaluation
- Floor cleaners, coatings and polishes analysis
- Floor defects and failures
- Floor project consulting
- Slip, trip, and fall expert witness
- OSHA “walking and working surfaces”
A Salt Lake City flooring defects expert witness like Rob McNealy will take the time to gather evidence about the flooring in question, then work hard to share the facts with any interested parties. He’s the best option when it comes to defective flooring.
Benefits of a Salt Lake City Flooring Defects Expert Witness
A Salt Lake City flooring defects expert witness helps all kinds of people figure out the facts behind any commercial or residential flooring issues. Just like a sick person goes to the doctor, a Utah legal team or business owner with flooring questions turns to a Salt Lake City flooring defects expert witness. The best Salt Lake City flooring defects expert witnesses ought to have plenty of years of experience and be willing to spend time uncovering the fact. Rob McNealy is a true professional and will not let his clients down.
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