Rob McNealy of Flooristics is a slip and fall expert witness that can bring the facts forward in your Florida slip and fall case. He is an experienced flooring contractor, walkway auditor and flooring inspector who knows how to gather evidence and present information in a way that is unbiased and trustworthy. You’d be making a mistake calling anyone else to be the Florida slip and fall expert witness for your case.
What a Florida Slip and Fall Expert Witness Does
Slip and fall accidents are some of the most common causes of workplace injuries. Whether it is from debris on the floor, a repair that hasn’t been made or improper cleaning methods, slip and fall accidents can result in lost wages, disability and months or years of medical bills. Slip and fall expert witnesses are a key part of a liability lawsuit when the victim is trying to show that the business owner was negligent in attending to a flooring hazard.
A Florida slip and fall expert witness is the person who appears in court to provide expert information on the slip and fall accident. They may present their findings of the condition of the floor, plus test results and a professional assessment of the scene. Often, the Florida slip and fall expert witness’s testimony is a key part of helping the judge and jury decide whether or not the business owner is responsible.
The Cost of a Slip and Fall Liability Lawsuit
Business owners have a lot to lose in a liability lawsuit for a slip and fall accident. Besides a blow to the company’s reputation as an unsafe place to work, losing a liability lawsuit could result in significant financial impact. If a business owner is indeed found liable, they could become responsible for lost wages, legal fees, medical bills, rehabilitation bills and a set amount for pain and suffering by the victim.
The victim’s attorney must show that the business owner was negligent in maintaining a safe workplace. A Florida slip and fall expert witness provides evidence of the condition of the flooring where the accident took place. They will be able to show whether the flooring was being well cared for, whether there were maintenance issues, manufacturing defects, installation problems and more. If the business owner hasn’t been caring for the flooring, they deserve a judgement that assigns them the responsibility. If they have been caring for the flooring properly, they should not be held responsible. A Florida slip and fall expert witness will help everyone get to the bottom of an unfortunate situation quickly and fairly.
I have a fall down case, client approached a newly painted curb at Circle K Store in Orange City, FL Yellow curb was painted above and below the curb so that it appeared to be a ramp not a step and she tripped injuring herself. i have before and after photos. Pre-suit. If you say yes this is a dangerous optical illusioin which would cause one to fall, and since it was created by the owner he knew it was there and it was not obvious to customers, then I want that opinion in writing. If not, just tell me that. What is the cost of Yes, or No?
That could be a compelling argument. You could send me the pics.