What happens when a client notices that their sheet vinyl floor has tiny air bubbles in the seam sealer along the length of the seam? The cause of the bubbles and the solution require expert solutions.
Sheet vinyl is one of the most versatile flooring products on the market today. Clients love it because it is durable and easy to clean. It is also ideal for any space because it comes in an array of beautiful patterns and styles. Installation is relatively easy as well, but there are always issues that might pop up if something is overlooked, even the tiniest things.
If a client notices that their sheet vinyl floor has tiny air bubbles in the seam sealer along the length of the seam, they can be understandably concerned about their floor. Not only are the bubbles a visual distraction from the seamlessness of the vinyl flooring, but they also signify that something is not quite right.
Flooring experts say that when air bubbles appear in the seam sealer along the length of a seam, then moisture is to blame. It’s critical to have a top quality moisture barrier in place to protect the new flooring material from the moisture that might come up from the floor below. Moisture is to blame for many flooring problems, and bubbles along the seams is just one more result of it getting into where it is not supposed to go.
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