Women Are More Likely to Slip and Fall Then Men
The Consumer Product Safety Commission has researched many facets of slips, trips and falls and has determined that 60% of the victims of slip, trip, and fall accidents are women. Most of these falls occur in retail establishments.
Footwear can contribute to slips, trips, and falls
Footwear is a large component of why women are more likely to slip, trip and fall. This is because high heeled shoes, whose soles have less surface area, are more likely to slip than shoes with full heels. Shoes with leather and non-rubberized soles commonly worn by women also provide less traction and can lead to slips, trips and falls.
Women shop more than men
The cliches about women and shopping are nearly timeless, however, women falling is part of a multi-billion dollar slip, trip, and fall epidemic and is not a joke. Women are more likely than men to do the shopping, especially grocery shopping. Statistically speaking, the more time you spend in a store, the more likely that you will be involved in a slip, trip and fall accident.
Big box stores
Thirty years ago, the size of the average grocery store ranged between 10,000 and 15,000 square feet. With the boom of big box stores, the average super sized grocery store is now in the 100,000 square foot range. That means more steps to reach the same items, as well as more time spent in stores. That means the risk of falling is increased as well.
What can you do?
There’s only so much people can control, however, wearing high traction footwear is the best way for women to reduce their chances of slipping, tripping and falling while shopping, other than getting their husbands to chip in on the shopping to spread more of the risk around.
[…] and fall injuries by as much as 60 percent. Karlstad University in Sweden examined the frequency of slip and fall injuries for elderly women who lived in a nursing home in Sweden. In this nursing home, nearly 70 percent of the residents […]