Rob McNealy of Flooristics will be a fine person to work with for anyone in the state who needs a Rhode Island flooring defects expert witness. He has more than 10 years of experience when it comes to walkway auditing, flooring inspections and being an expert witness for all kinds of flooring-related cases. Rob McNealy is the ideal candidate for any Rhode Island flooring defects expert witness duties.
All About a Rhode Island Flooring Defects Expert Witness?
When flooring materials are made at the manufacturer, there is usually an incredible amount of quality control in place to ensure that all the material is top quality. However, sometimes flooring defects are introduced and faulty material is shipped out to the customer. When business owners have flooring installed that contains defects, it can cause all kinds of problems. Sometimes the defects are obvious, while other times it may take the skill of a Rhode Island flooring defects expert witness to determine. No matter what, having an expert on hand to make assessments and gather evidence is invaluable to business owners, legal teams and insurance companies.
Gathering Evidence of Flooring Defects
Flooring defects can cause lots of problems for business owners, and can actually cause trouble for foot traffic at the workplace. Defective flooring can happen in any type of material, like tile resilient, stone, carpet, laminate, hardwood and more. When flooring defects manifest, it can lead to cracking, warping, rippling, tearing, shifting, gapping, and more. The subsequent problems can make the flooring look terrible and less than professional. It can also lead to slip and fall accidents as employees and customers try to navigate the problem areas in walkways.
The Rhode Island flooring defects expert witness will check out the flooring in question and even conduct tests to determine why the flooring material is not performing up to industry standards. The flooring professional can then present the evidence and provide an expert testimony to whatever party needs the information. From insurance companies to manufacturers, business owners need all the help they can get in letting others know about the flooring defects.
Hire a Rhode Island Flooring Defects Expert Witness Today
Rhode Island business owners who are facing problem areas with flooring should really look into hiring an expert to investigate. A Rhode Island flooring defects expert witness like Rob McNealy can make all the difference in discovering what is going on with faulty flooring. Bringing his experience in slip and fall court cases, concrete moisture testing, slip testing, floor project consulting, walkway auditing and more, Rob McNealy is the right person for the job. When it comes to hiring a Rhode Island flooring defects expert witness, Rob McNealy is the right one.
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