When it comes to Alabama slip and fall accidents and injuries, Rob McNealy of Flooristics is the expert witness you want on your side. With years of flooring experience plus an MBA, Rob McNealy is a solid expert witness that will bring the facts to the courtroom. When you need an Alabama slip and fall expert witness, consider Rob McNealy of Flooristics.
What is a Slip and Fall Accident?
A slip and fall accident—also called a slip, trip and fall—happens when someone slips on a flooring surface that is wet or worn. Tripping can happen if there is an uneven surface, debris, or a change in flooring surface such as from rough to smooth. A fall happens when the person goes from one level to another, such as on stairs or a ramp. There are thousands of injuries each year in Alabama due to workplace slip, trip and fall accidents. Some accidents are minor, but many are significant and can affect employees and customers significantly.
Sometimes, the flooring conditions simply cannot be helped and there are obstacles or events that are nobody’s fault. However, there are certain flooring conditions that lead to a high risk of a slip and fall accident, and this often becomes the fault of the business owner. If the accident is serious enough, there may be a liability lawsuit to determine whether or not the Alabama business owner is at fault.
Why is an Alabama Slip and Fall Expert Witness Needed?
When there are significant injuries from a slip and fall accident, the victim may feel like the Alabama business owner is liable and will try to prove negligence. As part of the court proceedings, both sides will introduce expert witnesses who can use their experience and expertise to help the judge or jury to determine the outcome of the case.
In the event of a slip and fall accident at an Alabama workplace, there is always the possibility that the victim will file a lawsuit against the business owner. If the victim’s legal team can show that there was negligence involved then it can be very costly for the business owner. When it comes to building a case for the business owners or victims, it’s critical to have an expert witness with the knowledge and understanding of flooring conditions, as well as someone who understands what it takes to be an excellent expert witness.
Consider Flooristics as an Alabama Slip and Fall Expert Witness
Rob McNealy of Flooristics has years of hands-on experience as a certified flooring inspector, walkway auditor and flooring contractor. He has the skills to assess any flooring situation and slip and fall accident, and put the information in easy-to-understand ways so there is little confusion as to the conditions of the flooring. Whether Flooristics is working with the plaintiff or the defendant, it’s a sure thing that they have some of the best in the business on their side.
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