As part of a Washington DC legal team, you may be called on to represent either the business owner or the victim in a slip and fall liability lawsuit. Because slip and fall accidents are among the most common causes of workplace injuries, legal teams are dealing with more incidents than ever as victims try to hold business owners accountable. A Washington DC slip and fall expert witness is a valuable person to have on the case as it unfolds.
Why Do Legal Teams Need Slip and Fall Expert Witnesses?
It doesn’t matter whether your legal team is representing the business owner or the victim—there’s a real need for a flooring expert to weigh in on the situation. To show neglect, a legal team has to understand about flooring, floor safety, risks to foot traffic and more. However, most people outside the industry don’t have in-depth knowledge of risks to foot traffic or floor care. Every legal team in Washington DC knows how important it is to get someone involved that knows all about flooring and floor safety.
How Does a Washington DC Slip and Fall Expert Witness Help?
A wise business owner should have a top floor safety plan in place to keep employees and customers from encountering a slip and fall accident. If the victim has significant injuries to the head, neck, shoulder, arm, hip, back, knee or ankle, they can suffer from lost wages, huge medical bills, months of rehab and more.
If the business owner was at fault, they should cover some or all of those costs. If the business owner was not negligent, they should not be held responsible. Legal teams for both sides are working hard to help their clients, but an impartial, experienced Washington DC slip and fall expert witness can bring added clarity to the process. Because they are not biased, they will simply provide testimony about the flooring condition without trying to sway anyone to one side or the other.
Finding a Washington DC Slip and Fall Expert Witness
Locating a Washington DC slip and fall expert witness is not too difficult. Fortunately, legal teams can access flooring experts with court experience either via references, referrals or an online search. As long as the Washington DC slip and fall expert witness has years of experience in all kinds of flooring, and has training as a walkway expert, floor safety expert and even as a flooring contractor, legal teams can trust what they present.
Rob McNealy of Flooristics is an outstanding Washington DC slip and fall expert witness. With more than 10 years in the flooring industry as an installer, contractor, walkway auditor and flooring inspector, Rob McNealy knows everything there is about floor safety. Rob McNealy has traveled across the country as an expert witness and is a fine Washington DC slip and fall expert witness for any liability lawsuit.
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