Arizona business owners, customers and employees should be very aware of floor safety, but often a slip and fall accident can happen in even the best circumstances. However, if a slip and fall accident results in serious injury, and the victims feel as if the conditions could have been prevented, they may launch a liability lawsuit. That’s when an Arizona slip and fall expert witness can assist both plaintiffs and defendants.
A slip and fall accident can be a problem for business owners when it can be proved that there was sufficient knowledge about an unsafe condition, risky flooring issues or other types of knowledge that the business owner knew of and chose not to do anything about. Business owners are supposed to do everything possible to minimize risk for slip and falls, and owners who don’t may be found guilty of negligence. They may also be responsible for the victim’s medical expenses, legal fees, lost wages and an undetermined amount for pain and suffering. On the other hand, if the business owner is not at fault, there needs to be a strong case proving that no negligence was involved.
In order to win a case, attorneys for both sides call in experts to help interpret the data. An Arizona slip and fall expert witness can help with the case and present findings in court. Being an expert in flooring surfaces of all types, the expert witness brings credibility to the situation. No matter whether the witness is with the defense or the prosecution, they will bring a certain boost to the case, because of the expert level of information they can present.
Arizona slip and fall expert witnesses will tell the court a number of details, such as the condition of the flooring, any defects or problems they discovered, weather-related issues, and much more. With accurate information presented, the decision makers will be able to have the whole story. Whoever finds themselves in the center of a liability case for a slip and fall accident should really get an Arizona slip and fall expert witness to check things out and present the truth about the findings.
Rob McNealy of Flooristics is an excellent choice for an Arizona slip and fall expert witness. With years of experience in the flooring industry, Rob McNealy is trustworthy and honest. He can be trusted to gather the facts and deliver them to the court.
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