When Wisconsin business owners begin to notice something is wrong with the flooring at the workplace, their first thought may be that they are not properly taking care of it. However, flooring defects, or problems in the flooring that were introduced during the manufacturing stage, can produce the same results. That’s where a Wisconsin flooring defects expert witness can help clear things up.
The most common warning signs of flooring defects include warping, cracking, rippling, tearing, shrinking, and gapping in the flooring material. When business owners see this, they immediately wonder why the flooring is having problems well before it is supposed to. Because it is entirely possible for flooring problems to surface with bad care and maintenance, sometimes owners believe they are to blame. However, flooring defects will make flooring material wear out and have problems well before it is supposed to.
Even though there are quality controls at flooring manufacturers, sometimes problems are introduced into the materials that are not caught. This means that flooring defects are definitely shipped out to customers and installed. Sometimes defects show up fairly quickly and other times it may take months or years to manifest. When the problems are visible, it’s time to call in a Wisconsin flooring defects expert witness.
The Wisconsin flooring defects expert witness will use all their experience and expertise to determine if the problems with the flooring are indeed from defects or if they are really from bad care and poor maintenance. This helps business owners, manufacturers, insurance companies and legal teams got to a point where they can resolve the issue. Without a Wisconsin flooring defects expert witness, the debate could be endless.
Anyone who needs a Wisconsin flooring defects expert witness should contact Rob McNealy of Flooristics. He is a flooring expert with more than 10 years of experience in the industry, including as a walkway auditor and flooring inspector. He has traveled across the country to be an expert witness for slip and fall accidents and has the background to provide insight and experience in an unbiased manner. For the best Wisconsin flooring defects expert witness, call Rob McNealy.
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