Dear Rob:
Are Bruce prefinished floors refinishable in the future? We have water damage from a saltwater aquarium in our foyer, and want to refinish but the stripper doesn’t seem to be taking any veneer off. Can it be sanded off?
Dear Cindy:
Bruce prefinished flooring can definitely be refinished, and to do that, it will need to be sanded. Your best bet is to find an experienced flooring company who will use commercial sanders to give your floors a nice even finish. Depending on the severity of the damage, some of the boards in the damaged area may actually need to be replaced. An experienced floor refinisher should be able to take a look in person, and let you know what they’ll need to do to get your floor back in tip-top shape.
After you get your floor refinished, it will be important to protect your floor from future water damage. If it isn’t possible to relocate that fish tank to another area, a rubber backed floor mat and careful attention to spills can help keep your floors looking their best. We’ve got some more tips about caring for the finish on your hardwood floors here.
Good Luck,
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