Rob McNealy of Flooristics is a fine choice for an Oklahoma flooring defects expert witness. His experience in flooring materials of all types, plus many appearances in the courtroom, means that he is the right person to work with on any kind of flooring issue.
Flooring Defects Can Appear Anywhere
When flooring material is being manufactured, there’s always a possibility of problems during the process. Most of the time, the errors are caught and the defective material is not shipped out to customers. However, it does happen, and the defective material can be installed in the workplace. It may take several days, weeks, months or even years for the flooring defects to manifest.
When flooring defects are at their worst, they can cause shrinking, cracking, uneven wear and tear, rippling, warping and more. Not only does this look awful and give the workplace a run-down and unprofessional look, it can cause a slip and fall accident as well. No business owner wants to bear the cost and the burden of flooring defects, so when such a problem is suspected, it can mean some serious work needs to be done.
An Oklahoma Flooring Defects Expert Witness Can Help
An Oklahoma flooring defects expert witness like Rob McNealy can come in and perform tests, make observations and use certain equipment to determine whether or not flooring defects are present in the suspected area. The defects could make the walkway unsafe for foot traffic, and compromise the flooring material’s ability to meet industry standards.
If business owners want to get to the bottom of the problem, hiring an Oklahoma flooring defects expert witness can help. Whether it’s providing testimony in court over a liability lawsuit, or working with a manufacturer or insurance company about getting new flooring, the Oklahoma flooring defects expert witness is the key to bringing all parties together and explaining the evidence.
Rob McNealy is a knowledgeable Oklahoma flooring defects expert witness with lots of years as a flooring inspector, walkway auditor and flooring contractor. He knows what it takes to recognize and identify flooring defects and has the professionalism and integrity to communicate the information and evidence to any interested parties. For the best Oklahoma flooring defects expert witness around, contact Rob McNealy.
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