A Detroit flooring defects expert witness must be a recognized authority on every aspect of flooring and manufacturing defects. This way, they can investigate and present their findings as an expert for a court, insurance company or other interested party.
Flooring defects can take place at the manufacturing stage and really become a problem after several weeks, months or years after installation. When people are not sure of what’s happening with their flooring, they can call a Detroit flooring defects expert witness to sort out the facts from the guesswork and get the answers to everyone.
For those legal teams, business owners and accident victims who may not be familiar with flooring defects expert witnesses, they really rely on the testimony of a flooring expert. Here are 5 things to know about a Detroit flooring defects expert witness:
- Detroit flooring defects expert witnesses have extensive knowledge of the industry. Detroit flooring defects expert witnesses have a lot of experience in working in the flooring industry. The best ones have spent years working as flooring contractors, walkways auditors and flooring inspectors.
- The expert witness will not only determine through tests and observations about the reasons the flooring looks bad, but confirm that it is not performing up to industry standards.
- They understand how to recognize problems with flooring materials of all kinds, such as tile, resilient, stone, laminate, carpet and more. Unless they are experts, most people cannot distinguish flooring defects from other problems.
- Detroit flooring defects expert witnesses are a key part of any litigation process concerning slip and fall accidents when legal teams are trying to figure out faulty flooring.
- A Detroit flooring defects expert witness is the best person to contact for questions on flooring defaults.
For those who need a Detroit flooring defects expert witness, contact Rob McNealy today of Flooristics. He meets all the requirements of an outstanding flooring defects expert. In fact, there are few people with the experience he has as an expert witness for both flooring defects and slip and fall accidents. Rob McNealy should be the first choice for anyone who suspects flooring defects are present in the workplace.
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